Archive for September, 2023

Once a hustler, always a hustler. I’m back to selling….at a much smaller & slower pace.

*These lovelies are available*

Since I closed my shopito almost a year ago, my product has been taking up room and growing dust in my work shed.

*Sweet Cutie Patooties Available*

We moved to Puerto Rico and I needed stuff for our apartment and learned there are not a lot of places to buy vintage here. A light bulb went off and I decided to bring some of my product here to sell to the vintage shops!

*Love these fun pieces I did find here in San Juan*

The first round of vintage I brought here with me was clothing. I already sold half of it to a store I love, Johnny & June. She asked me to bring more in November for Christmas Shopping!

*1970s Maxi Dresses are Available*

I tried another shop but they only give store credit. The store doesn’t have much in my size and I really just want money, so I passed on it.

*These yummy under garments sold… sorry*

I have one other place to try to sell my clothes/products, but it will be on consignment. I like money now as opposed to maybe money later, but if I don’t try it won’t sell at all.

*These are a sample of the glass sets I have…sets of 4-6 of all of the above”

What should I bring next? Sets of Cocktail Glasses?

“Sampling…and so much more*

Should I bring jewelry?

*I have trays*

Maybe Mid Century Decor pieces?

*So much kitchen ware*

Or maybe MCM kitchenware or ceramics?

I will be flying with my product, so it can’t be too big, too heavy or too breakable. Wish me luck…getting it here and selling it!

PS…Contact me if you are interested in any of the above items…if they are still available they are for sale. And I ship!


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Big Steps

Posted: September 15, 2023 in Art
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Usually it is a lot of baby steps that create a big step. And some of those little bitty movements feel really big.

— Step 1: We don’t usually use plastic water bottles, but I had a bunch. One day I did this baby step. —

I just had a baby step towards something I really want and inside my core it feels huge. I put it off for around 2 months. Why? Well, that’s for another blog.

— Step 2: Then I curled the edges for some odd reason. —

I am not going to talk about it in detail as I want it to come to fruition before I announce it.

— Step 3: I put one or two cut up & curled bottles on the canvas and played. —

With that said, believe in yourself. Don’t listen to the negatives from inside and out. Do what makes you feel good, but also push your comfort zones. Positivity is key.

— Step 4: I ended up using the smaller canvas. I love this as is. I used a glue gun, so they would not be permanently adhered in case of future changes. —
— My assistant, Pickles is sometimes part of the process. —

I just got big chills after I wrote that. I’m a bit of a sensitive. I feel things. My Mom died in 2021 and after she moved on I started to get these intense chills just at the base of my neck. I knew it was her, now she is telling me she is happy for my little big baby step.

— Step 5: I am so into color, bright fun colors right now, so I knew I had to add something to it. I tried seaglass. Good, but not bright enough.

My Mom always had confidence in me. Way more confidence than I have ever had in myself.

— Step 6: Then I tried plastic fruit that are, interestingly so, filled with water to be used as ice. Who doesn’t love colorful fruit? —

I’m trying to change that, so baby steps are everything. I try not to jump ahead and think of the big picture, just one step at a time.

— Step 7: I then used Dinosaurs and Dragons. It’s so very fun.

It’s kind of like my art. It starts with an idea or even an action, the first baby step.

— Step 8: Then I put plastic beach picks I find regularly in it. I dig it.

It sits and then later I play with it, the second baby step. This may go quickly, or it may be a very long process, baby steps 3 to maybe 3000.

This is now in the Ruminating Stage waiting on Steps 9 to maybe 9000. Well, I already know of some changes…but do you have suggestions?

As in my art, sometimes I reach out for ideas, suggestions, advice on which way my step should go next. Maybe I should do that in life too. And besides just asking the Hub, I should reach out to the professionals in the area I want my steps to lead me.

Getting advice from Pickles the Kitty Art Kritic

My advice to myself and to others is said best in this quote. It was given to me on a magnet from a teen boy I worked with when I was leaving that job for something different.

Do Not Go Where The Path May Lead,

Go Instead Where There Is No Path

And Leave A Trail.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson


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