Yep, I went out of my comfort zone, way out.

Pickles, the Kitty Art Kritic watching me in action.

I did something that caused anxiety.

Pickles, the Sometimes Art Assistant, gives good advice.

Actually, Anxiety has kept me from doing this for quite a while.

Pickles may be a lazy Art Assistant, but look how cute he is!

I feel the positivity/art TikTok algorithm I’m on has helped me.

Love making art with my constantly curious cat, helps the mood!

Art is everywhere where I live. It has opened its arms to me. I want to feel the embrace, I crave the embrace.

I can’t believe he did not mess this up as I was upcycling old bread ties.

To get the creative cradle, one must put themselves out there. I needed to reach and go beyond my limit.

Mommacita, Pickles the Kitty Art Kritic and Sometimes Art Assistant’s Mom, even got in one the art action.

I went way out my comfort zone. It’s freeing, yet terrifying.

No cats, just me and some of my art.

When I know the outcome, I will tell you all the outcome. I have to teach my anxiety, good or bad, it’s all gonna be ok.

Thanks for strolling along with me on this art anxiety walk. Like I said in a previous post, regarding this same exact issue, BABY STEPS!

And thanks to Jim, Randy and Patty for hyping me up and supporting me on this tiny journey.


I went out of my comfort zone, out of my own self determined box and turned my world upside down. TRY IT, THE VIEW FROM HERE IS FUN!

Once a hustler, always a hustler. I’m back to selling….at a much smaller & slower pace.

*These lovelies are available*

Since I closed my shopito almost a year ago, my product has been taking up room and growing dust in my work shed.

*Sweet Cutie Patooties Available*

We moved to Puerto Rico and I needed stuff for our apartment and learned there are not a lot of places to buy vintage here. A light bulb went off and I decided to bring some of my product here to sell to the vintage shops!

*Love these fun pieces I did find here in San Juan*

The first round of vintage I brought here with me was clothing. I already sold half of it to a store I love, Johnny & June. She asked me to bring more in November for Christmas Shopping!

*1970s Maxi Dresses are Available*

I tried another shop but they only give store credit. The store doesn’t have much in my size and I really just want money, so I passed on it.

*These yummy under garments sold… sorry*

I have one other place to try to sell my clothes/products, but it will be on consignment. I like money now as opposed to maybe money later, but if I don’t try it won’t sell at all.

*These are a sample of the glass sets I have…sets of 4-6 of all of the above”

What should I bring next? Sets of Cocktail Glasses?

“Sampling…and so much more*

Should I bring jewelry?

*I have trays*

Maybe Mid Century Decor pieces?

*So much kitchen ware*

Or maybe MCM kitchenware or ceramics?

I will be flying with my product, so it can’t be too big, too heavy or too breakable. Wish me luck…getting it here and selling it!

PS…Contact me if you are interested in any of the above items…if they are still available they are for sale. And I ship!


Thank you for visiting MY GNOME LITTLE WORLD!

Big Steps

Posted: September 15, 2023 in Art
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Usually it is a lot of baby steps that create a big step. And some of those little bitty movements feel really big.

— Step 1: We don’t usually use plastic water bottles, but I had a bunch. One day I did this baby step. —

I just had a baby step towards something I really want and inside my core it feels huge. I put it off for around 2 months. Why? Well, that’s for another blog.

— Step 2: Then I curled the edges for some odd reason. —

I am not going to talk about it in detail as I want it to come to fruition before I announce it.

— Step 3: I put one or two cut up & curled bottles on the canvas and played. —

With that said, believe in yourself. Don’t listen to the negatives from inside and out. Do what makes you feel good, but also push your comfort zones. Positivity is key.

— Step 4: I ended up using the smaller canvas. I love this as is. I used a glue gun, so they would not be permanently adhered in case of future changes. —
— My assistant, Pickles is sometimes part of the process. —

I just got big chills after I wrote that. I’m a bit of a sensitive. I feel things. My Mom died in 2021 and after she moved on I started to get these intense chills just at the base of my neck. I knew it was her, now she is telling me she is happy for my little big baby step.

— Step 5: I am so into color, bright fun colors right now, so I knew I had to add something to it. I tried seaglass. Good, but not bright enough.

My Mom always had confidence in me. Way more confidence than I have ever had in myself.

— Step 6: Then I tried plastic fruit that are, interestingly so, filled with water to be used as ice. Who doesn’t love colorful fruit? —

I’m trying to change that, so baby steps are everything. I try not to jump ahead and think of the big picture, just one step at a time.

— Step 7: I then used Dinosaurs and Dragons. It’s so very fun.

It’s kind of like my art. It starts with an idea or even an action, the first baby step.

— Step 8: Then I put plastic beach picks I find regularly in it. I dig it.

It sits and then later I play with it, the second baby step. This may go quickly, or it may be a very long process, baby steps 3 to maybe 3000.

This is now in the Ruminating Stage waiting on Steps 9 to maybe 9000. Well, I already know of some changes…but do you have suggestions?

As in my art, sometimes I reach out for ideas, suggestions, advice on which way my step should go next. Maybe I should do that in life too. And besides just asking the Hub, I should reach out to the professionals in the area I want my steps to lead me.

Getting advice from Pickles the Kitty Art Kritic

My advice to myself and to others is said best in this quote. It was given to me on a magnet from a teen boy I worked with when I was leaving that job for something different.

Do Not Go Where The Path May Lead,

Go Instead Where There Is No Path

And Leave A Trail.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thank you for visiting MY GNOME LITTLE WORLD. It’s cozy in here and we love visitors.

The Gnomo Abode Guest Room Gnomes!

I just learned that word. Trash and fashion=Art? Another phrase for it is Junk Art. Whatever you want to call it, it is art made from what most people would call garbage.

A lot of my art is made with stuff I found for free or thrifted or gifted….but some of the stuff for these projects are downright trashy garbage. The worst of all worse garbage, plastics found on a beach where I wish all Sea Plastics went to die.

(PHOTO: One particular bad plastic garbage day at what I now call “Plastics Beach”.

Last month my hub and I went for a drive and without our knowledge we ended up on what may be the most sea garbage filled beach on the island. It’s in a corner of a bay and the wind and tide seem to go straight to the particular area of the beach. I was overwhelmed with the amount of it all. I didn’t just see garbage. I saw color and I saw childhood laughter. And even though I didn’t know it at the time, I saw potential. That place never left my mind, so much so, we we went back. This time, I was prepared mentally and with reusable shopping bags.

(PHOTO: My sweet husband collecting plastics and beachcombing)

This time to “Plastics Beach” it wasn’t as bad, by “not as bad”, I mean there was less bigger pieces. It was still very bad. I focused on collecting the most colorful plastics. While I was on the hunt, I noticed some big black bags at the edge of the beach in the trees. I assumed they were filled with the beach garbage. This made me feel good, but I also wondered what colorful fun things could I find inside them. Don’t worry, I did not open them. They are destined for the dump for the rest of their long plastic life.

(PHOTO: This is what we brought home in our 4 large reusable shopping bags)

I cleaned every single piece, a lot to be cleaned again. While doing this, I thought of the price of art, even art made from free stuff. It took hours to do the initial clean. I can use old, scratched, marked, broken things for art, but I can’t use dirty stuff with sand embeddeded in it with the potential to smell over time. A lot of this time consuming. Even though, I’m not big on selling my art, I support artists that do and their prices. Oh, I will sell my art, just ask me. Anyway, I recently picked an old frame out of the trash area of my apartment building. Do you see the trashy thing going here? And here is me playing with my idea of art.

(PHOTO: The first juxtaposition of pieces inside of the frame.)
(PHOTO: I almost love this view of the piece better)

I really like it. I go through many processes with my pieces. Here is where I was before creating the one above (mind you it is not done…the things are in a box now), I recently went on a trip to where I got things for cheap or were gifted them. Fun, bright, cheerful things, including beads, miniature stuff, and vintage cabochons, but not limited to that. Here is where I went with those items when I got home.

(PHOTO: I put all the stuffy things together, added items I had already and this is what I got.)
(PHOTO: I love the neon and brightness of this piece and I will make smaller versions of it when I can thrift some fun frames.)

If you haven’t seen my art, besides using upcycled materials, I love texture for the eyes and hands. I love surprises to be found. I love that I see art when others see magazines, belts, twine, and garbage. I love that I can see how to use things in unconventional ways, like beads not beaded, a belt buckled around a canvas, old rough twine in macrame, and torn maps not used for directions.

(PHOTO: My art in my home)

Here are other versions of pieces I may do with my plastic beach finds….

(PHOTO: I love the idea of one or two bold colors. So, yes, I love this small 5×7 piece, but if I do it I will paint the frame a brighter blue.)
(PHOTO: So, I love anything round, circular, spherical, and globular including balls, orbs, globes sport supplies, decor, plastic caps and so on. This piece is a mixture of all found or saved round things. Honestly, I’m notot as fond of this piece.)

Since I’m on this maximalism, lots of stuff in one piece journey, yesterday I was playing more with some of the beads and cabochons I got at General Bead in SF recently (and vintage plastics from a friend there too). Also, I recently have been enamored with miniatures, and bought some while traveling and at a store near my apartment. Yes, new stuff. Ack, but give me a break, they are so cute. Look!

(PHOTO: I Call this “Bunny Bubbles #Yellow)
(PHOTO: See the Adorable tiny Bunny? It is actually what is called an “Nail Ornament)
(PHOTO: I call this “Bear Bubbles #Purple.) (Sorry for the bad photo.)
(PHOTO: But look at the bears…this time 2 sizes!) (Squeeee!)

Okay, before you go crazy making orders and wanting to buy…none of these are made yet! 😉

But I did just paint the large frame, and I am looking for a back to adhere items safely to it. Will update this post when I’m done!

Once again, Thanks for visiting… My Gnome Little World!!


I live there.
Webbed Map of Life
(Photo: In the works.)

I don’t have any photos of the beginning of this piece, but I can tell I did not have this end in mind. But, here is a video of the very start.

After I decided to use an old map to tear up, I was thinking of amap of life. Then when I was doing the needlepoint it looked like Morse code, so I decided to sew in words that have to do with living life. I finished the 5 Strips and there it sat for a couple of months. I was in a rut, I didn’t create.

(Photo: What word do you see?)

While we were packing for the move, I packed in the strips along with some supplies. Then we moved and then I was so moved to create again.

(Photo: We make ties to people to places and even to things.)

I needed something for structure and to represent the steady stuff, the structure of our lives. Wood was the strength needed and pink was the perfect amount of innocence and love.

(Photo: Upcycled Art of Life)

I used floss because it has 6 threads that brings it together to be. No one stands on their own.

Ok, and I had plenty of it.

(Photo: We are all interconnected.)

The art piece told me what to do with the hanging floss as soon as I held it up. All the hanging floss had to be connected to each other. Some webs may look chaotic, but there is a method in the madness. Life looks a mess, but maybe that is as it should be.

(Photo: It’s a delicate piece…Just like Life.)

Thank you for visiting My Gnome Little World.


Beautiful, yet Confusing

Historic, but Unattainable

Endearing and Angering

Skilled, also Copied

Welcoming and Lazy

Before your mind goes negative, read below. This is meant to give advice to future travels as well as sharing our experiences and photos. We loved Istanbul, the history, the textiles, the colors, the domed mosques and the people. Now we are off to see some Fairy Chimneys in Cappadocia!


Beautiful to the eyes in every direction!  And there are many streets, alleys, and walkways in all directions, up hills, down hills, to the far right or just vere right, to the left and up the stairs! It is confusing to find places, the right entrances, the right lines, and/or the right information. Once you get your bearings down and good phone mapping system some of that can be solved, as for the right entrances and lines to go on…ask ask ask. Don’t be afraid to ask, sometimes it helps, sometimes you need to keep on asking.

Which ever way you look there is endless beauty inside and out. Here is some of the beauty my eyes saw.


Let me start off, I love history. Historic doesn’t describe it, this city is ancient. Everything is beautiful, down to non ancient cats. Just on historic buildings alone, this city wins! You walk around in awe, reading these little info obliques, which are in several languages and free.

The unattainable issue is it costs a lot to explore inside said buildings. It is around $55US to get into the Topkapi Palace. It’s way less for Turkish people, but young International travelers on the cheap it’s a no go. The Haga Sophia, ancient church first then and now a still working mosque is $27US to get in and see it. Non-Muslim people can’t go to the first floor, so you see half of it for that much. They are both beautiful and important places in history if you can afford to see them. If not walk around them and just enjoy them from the outside with enough money to enjoy a pint at a cafe to people watch later.

Advice coming…please do not do what we did. We bought the Istanbul museum pass for 10 museums. The museums we wanted to go to were recently dropped from that pass, but nobody told us that when we bought it. Another museum was closed. We did not get our money’s worth at all, we spent more on that card than it would have cost to get in the 3 museums we did go to. And we had to pay extra for the other museum that was dropped. Lesson learned. Learn from us!

We learned lessons shopping too. Here are some photos from the wonderful busy colorful  Bazaars!


“Hi guys”, “Yes, please”, “Where are you from?” You will hear this from the streets, in the bazaars and it’s so kind of cute. They are trying to sell you something and there are hundreds of people selling the same thing, so they must work hard.

But stuff is so overpriced for tourists it hurts a bit. I don’t want to be rude, but some prices had me laughing to myself. I have bought less here than I normally would because of the pricing. Believe me I love a good negotiation, but if they start so freaking high I just walk on. But don’t give up, I did not and found the right things that were not in every booth with someone who did not start crazy high and negotiated with me! He even threw in a free magnet. He did ok, I did ok and we both walked off happy. Very endearing.

Another lesson. The taxi’s may quote you a price and try to tell you higher after you drive away. This could anger a person. You have to be strong and stick to your guns. Uber doesn’t really work here, it’s more of the taxi’s just trying to get cash from you. Don’t use it. Do get your hotel to order them for you with an agreed price beforehand.

The people, whether locals or from all over the world were beautiful to be around in Istanbul. Yes, some try to take advantage of you, but that happens everywhere. Be safe and enjoy all the sights.


There are lots of skilled artisans making leather goods, rugs, tiles and art…but they are all thrown into together in bazaars also selling lots and lots of similar faked items including fake designer stuff.

My hotel desk clerk kept on asking if we wanted to go to the rug and leather factories. We did not, but I feel if you wanted those items, the real ones, you should try it out. 

But other than buying things and going into historic buildings, we enjoyed just being out and about in very busy old Istanbul.


See you thought I was going in a different direction…but the cats are really welcoming and the dogs napped.

Some were clean as a whistle, some not so clean, some healthy looking, some seen better days, but all of them were well fed. Some were even leaning to the heavy side. Some were fixed with their ears clipped, and some were pregnant.  Some dogs had tags on their ears showing they were fixed too. Some were just babies and some were old. Some had collars, most did not. Lots of food dishes were left around. And some stores claimed cats as theirs. Some cats claimed humans as theirs. It’s a very copasetic situation.

I got a little frustrated at times here in Instanbul, but I more so loved being in a new place, seeing new things, being around all kinds of different people and seeing so much culture and art.

If you love travel, you know it’s not all easy peasy roses and daisies. People and places may do things differently than us, but if we want to see their country we better get in line and deal with whatever that comes. Off to new and maybe changes, wish us luck with that ferry we hoped we booked online!

Thank you for visiting MY GNOME LITTLE WORLD!


So I did a thing for my 50th Year (see previous post…link below) where I did 50 things. I did things I never did before, but also traveled, saw friends, learned new things and explored. I enjoyed pushing myself to do new things the most!

I took a Trapeze Class in my 50th Year!

Click Below to see “The 50 Things I Did to Celebrate My 50th Year!”

Not only did I go to the Antique Road Show…I got in several background shots on the actual TV show. None of my antiques made it on the show, but we did stump 3 Experts!

For my 60th I want to grow as a human, be a better person, explore myself and the world, and generally improve who I am, inside and out.

I’m 60! I can kick, Stretch and Kick!

These are my ideas on what to do…and what I’ve done so far, 34 days into the year.

1. Travel – Trip to FL to see friends/home: Jan., Trip to Columbia: Feb, Trip to FL to see friends/home: March, Weekend away for our Anni planned: March, Big Trip planning: May June, FL Trip to see friends/home planned – June

Christmas Tree Burning Bonfire Indialantic FL

2 Travel to New Places – Columbia, Feb; Turkey & Greece, May/June

Fort San Fernando, Cartegna, Colombia

3. Regular Massages – So far: Jan , Feb

4. Face masks – feb

Very Sunburn After a Great Beach Day

5. Work out 4-5 times a week: Joined a Gym Jan, Gone 4 times a week: Jan, Feb, March

6. Join social groups – Joined a girls FB group..Girls Gone International: Jan.

7. Meet people on my own – Did a Gb girl group activity: Feb

8. Drink less alcohol – Did Jan/Feb, but go up and down, on a down swing March 8 now

It was my birthday damnit!

9. Drink more water 4 glasses / bottles a day – I have, and still trying to drink more

10. Facials – not yet

11. Read better books – not yet, but read every day

13.  Therapy . Not yet 

14. Tell close friends how much you appreciate them – March: sent out Woman’s day post to nearest/dearest

I Love and Appreciate My Bride Goddesses

15. Figure out other ways to sell my art – Found a cafe that’s interested: March

Note to self …make appt with owners to show them my art in person.

16. Keep on making art no matter what – I have stopped for awhile, but will get back on it (Jan/Feb)

The piece I’m working on. Found seaglass & pottery surrounded by pink air dry clay bubbles.

17. Update book, edit book, look for publishers, literary agent or self publish (Each one of these will be an individual item on my list)

18. Maybe get laser hair removal (if you know you know)

19. Maybe get a skin peel (I’m afraid).

No makeup, freckles, sunspots and wrinkles.

20. Stop unloading on people. It’s kind of negative. If I need, write it out in a journal instead.

21. Stop complaining about people in my life. Again more negativity. Love and accept.

22. Be positive. I always try…but try harder…but not annoying so.

23. Push doctors to help me figure out some health issues that have been with me for years but doctors just ignore.

In for stomach issues.

24. Maybe get a full body scan.

25. Eat better. This one is hard…because in general I don’t eat bad. I do need to lose weight but the only time I really have lost weight is when I went way too low on calories and worked out 5-7 times a week, sometimes twice a day. So maybe learn how to eat better for my metabolism/age.

26. Figure out my hormone levels. I did this in my 40s, but still having some menopause issues (like weight gain/hard to lose).

27. Be a better sister/friend/wife/aunt/daughter. I’m not sure what this looks like, but I am sure working on the sister thing right now! See #13

28. Understand my anxiety better. See #13

29. Play with my cats more. Pickles needs more play and Mommacita always needs more pets.

Mommacita & Pickles

30. Make more quality time with Jim…even if I have to force him! Have more patience with him.

31. Continue to grow my white/silver/grey hair out…but keep on temporarily dying it fun colors along the way!

Pink for now…Teal next!

32. Go Diving and snorkel more.

33. Get better at under water photography.

34. Do more with my photography. Entering photography Contest this week, March.

Contest is put on by the Circo Fest

Sixty is a lot of things…but I will number every trip as 1 item on the final list . I probably won’t number every massage and such, but maybe. I won’t put something on the final list that I really did not accomplish, like unloading on people about whatever is stressing or angering me. That will be hard, but I’m already working on it.

A lot of my list will be done on my own, a lot will be with my partner in adventure, best friend, love of my life and husband, Jim. This month we will be married 17 years.

Love you.

Thanks for taking a trip through…




Yes, although I’ve sold my art before, it was not in a gallery, store, or even cafe. It was more like a yard or market type of sale where people wanted to buy for way cheap.


I priced the above pieces at a decent price, but higher than I would sell it for myself because of the high commission the store requires. But with that said, I still sold them for more than I have ever sold anything. The buyers didn’t haggle and just bought them because they liked them! This feels good.

I actually went in to tell the store that they could lower the prices if they wanted, and they said, “Silly, 2 sold already!” That felt so good.

The above two are the more mild out of l the pieces I have in the store. The others have not sold. Yet.

For Sale!

I am so into the super bright, even neon colors, right now and they work in my Puerto Rican Apartment…

Neon Jungle For Sale, together or separate.

But I realize it is not for every home. Should I go more mellow in color for future art to place in the store?

Here is something I just did…

I call it “Cat’s Eye” and it is For Sale.
It is from a series I call “Te Veo” (I See You)

The wood base was found by a tree stump that is being carved. It stared at me and I stared back.

The Assemblage started with bits, beads, bobs, stuff, and yes, with the above cat heads and other micro mini thingies.

Two unfinished…but startling pieces.
Beads & Bits
Shrooms, Duckies & Ice Cream Cones.

I love finding things…and love the process of how they come together.

See what I did to this framed print that I found on the sidewalk in my next blog post.

Thanks for visiting MY GNOME LITTLE WORLD!


This Gnomad is Still On The Roam

Posted: January 24, 2024 in Art

Kind of…I

It’s more like Shenanigan Adventures!

Ooooh yes, it’s been crazy since the end of October and I’m not complaining.

As Iris DeMent and John Prince sang …

“No, we’re not the jet set
We’re the old Chevro-let set
There’s no Riviera
In Festus, Missouri

And you won’t find Onassis
In Mullinville, Kansas
No, we’re not the jet set
We’re the old Chevro-let set
But ain’t we got love…”

1. We Flew to Florida to meet up with my brother.

2. We drove to see our Step Father for a night.

3. We had a Birthday/Halloween party at our house.

Chucky and his Bride

4. Then we drove to Hollywood, FL for a ride and night on a friend’s boat.

5. After that we drove to Key West for 2 Nights and then back to our house.

6. Flew back to Puerto Rico and Two Days later my friend visited

7. Then the next day we took a 2 night / 3 day road trip to La Parguera.

8. Spent the next 3 days playing tourist guide in San Juan.

9. Revamp energy time for the next adventure, making/selling art/jewelry and celebrating Cocktail Puerto Rico!

10. Fly back to Florida for Thanksgiving Week, which included a house warming party, a birthday party and Thanksgiving day, all within 4 days!

11. Did an overnight visit to my step father in Daytona!

12. Sunday after T-day, I flew to NJ/NYC area.

13. “Rest” 1 day and start a beach town roadtrip south!

14. First night Virginia Beach, VA.

15. Second and Third NIghts, Myrtle Beach, SC

16. 4th & 5th Nights, Atlantic Beach, FL with friends!

17. 1 Night in Daytona Beach, FL with my Step father!

18. Back home & Boating all in one day!

19. A few days of Shenanigans in and around our house in FL!

20. Fly to Puerto Rico to see my guy.

21. Enjoyed local Holiday Stuffs and getting apt and things set up for next adventure

22. In 4 days we fly to SF, CA!

23. Drive to the South Peninsula for doc appt and visit friends.

24. Drive back to SF for 2 days with Jim and another 2 nights with one of my besties.

25. East Bay to Stay with Inlaws for several days and Christmas morning.

26. Drive to Sacaramento Christmas Day to stay with my brother and family until after the New Year. With an overnight trip or two snuck in there.

27. Fly back to Puerto Rico.

28. And now I have to fly back to FL around a week later for some very important medical tests.

29. Return to PR hopefully in time for SANSE, Festival de San Sebastian, in old San Juan!

It’s not the Riviera, and it’s not Festus, Missouri… But it’s my Jet Set!

Read the rest of this entry »

This Happened!

I am now selling my art in a cool concept decor & clothing store in the Condado neighborhood in San Juan Puerto Rico!

If you are in the area, it is called Nifty Cure and it’s on Avenida Ashford near Calle Cervantes!

Squeee! Happiness! Joy!

Now I wait for more of that when one sells! I am manifesting it.

I have to say I think I need to suggest to them how to display my art…most of it needs to be on a wall.

I go back today to bring vintage stuff, some clothing for consignment as well as these cuties I just made!

I can sell from anywhere, so message me if you are interested. My pieces are one of a kind, but I can try to get as close as I can if that is what you want!

Thanks for visiting My Gnome Little World!